News from 2022-08-22 / KfW Development Bank
Multi-faceted reforms for the Uzbek health system
KfW supports innovative projects in the health sector with a total of EUR 61.8 million

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), KfW concluded agreements with the Uzbek Ministry of Health on 18 August 2022 for the implementation of two projects in the health sector. A subsidised loan of EUR 45 million, a budget loan of EUR 10.3 million and two grants totalling EUR 6.5 million will support future reforms to improve the quality and efficiency of health services for the Uzbek population. The financing agreements for these projects were signed by the Uzbek Minister of Finance, Timur Ishmetov, on 5 and 8 August 2022 respectively.
The first project includes measures to introduce a national health platform for digital data preparation to enable improved data exchange as well as an optimisation of the digital infrastructure of the health management and its administrative processes. This includes measures such as IT training for medical staff as well as electronic patient records that speed up diagnosis and treatment. The digitalisation of the entire data pool also enables better maintenance and servicing of medical equipment. In addition, it contributes to better cost control of the services provided and, in the long term, to sustainable financing of the health sector.
The second project aims to strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of the Uzbek health care system by equipping the national reference laboratory in the capital Tashkent and also establishing a regional network. The measures include the introduction of a quality assurance and information system and its networking.
"A robust laboratory system is an essential component of an efficient health system. Efficient quality assurance and integration of health care systems improve diagnostics and optimise clinical decision-making processes. They enable comprehensive health care for the population," emphasised the German Ambassador of Uzbekistan, his Excellency Dr Tilo Klinner, at the signing ceremony.
Uzbekistan is one of the key partners of German Development Cooperation in Central Asia. KfW has already been active in the Uzbek health system for many years.
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