News from 2022-10-13 / KfW Development Bank
Remote Management, Monitoring, and Verification (RMMV) Guidebook is online
KfW publishes Guidebook on Remote Project Management for International Financial Cooperation

The COVID-19 pandemic at the latest has shown that Remote Management, Monitoring and Verification (RMMV), i.e. controlling projects remotely, can add important value beyond the fragile context. To support project partners, consultants and staff in using the relevant procedures and technologies, KfW Development Bank has therefore compiled its experience with RMMV from all areas of Financial Cooperation in a manual - the RMMV Guidebook. It is about much more than just inaccessible project sites: the Guidebook contains numerous recommendations for the use of technologies that are helpful for the development of digital approaches and components in projects – even beyond RMMV.
The RMMV Guidebook is considered a so-called "digital public good," meaning that it is freely available to the public for download and use. Intuitive navigation with icons and cross-reference links makes the approximately 200-page guidebook easy to navigate. Among other things, chapters on institutional RMMV approaches, technologies, data sources, legal aspects and security issues were developed together with numerous internal and external experts. In addition, there are many current examples from practice to illustrate the areas of application.
Anyone who would like to learn more about RMMV is invited to participate in KfW Development Bank’s upcoming RMMV conference, which will be held virtually on February 8 and 9, 2023. Among other topics, experiences and innovations will be discussed there, and possible applications of the manual will be presented. More information about the event and how you can participate will be announced via this website as well as KfW's social media channels (Twitter and LinkedIn).
In addition, KfW Development Bank is a sponsor of the 8th Humanitarian & Development Data Forum ("GeOnG2022 Conference"), which will be held in Chambéry, France (as well as online) from October 24-26, 2022. There, KfW will present various interesting projects in which RMMV technologies and procedures have been applied in workshops and jointly develop solutions using the RMMV Guidebook. Registration for the conference is still open until October 14, 2022.
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