News from 2023-11-15 / KfW Development Bank

The interrelationships between climate change and fragility

The effects of climate change are being felt worldwide and have intensified massively in recent years. The potential of countries and their populations to withstand these impacts is significantly influenced by the degree of fragility in the country. For instance, the greatest vulnerability to the consequences of climate change lies in highly fragile states, where extreme weather events such as droughts and floods further hinder the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the same time, fragility not only impairs the potential of countries to adapt to climate change, but also reduces their capacity to effectively implement climate policy.

On the occasion of the 28th World Climate Conference in Dubai in December, the current edition of Development in Brief explains the reciprocal effects of climate change and fragility and analyses their significance for sustainable development and climate policy.

The interrelationships between climate change and fragility


KfW Development Research

KfW Development Bank

Palmengartenstrasse 5-9

60325 Frankfurt
