Evaluation criteria shown in honeycombs: Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability

    Evaluation criteria and rating scale

    Evaluation criteria

    The projects are evaluated in accordance with the standardised international evaluation criteria of the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD-DAC).

    Detailed explanations of the criteria:

    Evaluation criteria shown in the circle and a question for each criterion

    Rating scale and overall rating

    To evaluate the success of the projects, grades are awarded for each criterion on a six-point scale. This is used to derive an overall rating for the success of the projects, which is formed from a project-specific weighting of the six graded individual criteria. Levels 1-3 of the overall rating characterise a "successful" project, levels 4-6 an "unsuccessful" project. It should be noted that a project can generally only be considered developmentally "successful" if the achievement of the project objective at outcome-level ("effectiveness"), the impact ("overarching developmental objective") and the sustainability are rated as at least "partially successful" (rating 3).

    Grade scale shows a six-step rating of very successful to completely unsuccessful

    Further information

    Use of data

    Evaluating impact - using different data sources.

    Sample and success rate

    How do we measure the success of financial cooperation?

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