The diagram shows the process from sampling to the success rate

    Sample and success rate


    Until 2006, all completed projects were evaluated ex-post (full survey). Since 2007, FC Evaluation has drawn an annual random sample, stratified by sector, from the population of projects ready for evaluation. Ex-post evaluations are carried out for all projects in the sample. This procedure ensures the statistical representativeness and informative value of the evaluations for the FC portfolio and maintains independence in the selection of projects to be evaluated. With over 100 projects ready for evaluation each year and a sample size of over 50 %, the effectiveness of all projects can be reliably estimated. The results are summarised and published in biennial evaluation reports.

    A look at the statistics for the 2021-2022 evaluation period

    Processing banana plants on a banana plantation

    How many projects have been evaluated in the past two years? How successful were they? What is the project volume involved?

    Current evaluations

    And which projects were evaluated?

    To the overview

    Estimated success rate and confidence interval

    The success rates of the past two-year periods since the introduction of the sampling procedure in 2007/2008 do not differ from each other in a statistically significant way. Despite fluctuations in the average success rate in the range between 77% and 87%, the confidence intervals of the success rates overlap in the range around 81% - it is therefore obvious that the underlying success rate of all FC projects lies in this overlap range.

    Estimated success rate and 95% confidence interval

    Graphical representation of the success rate and confidence interval

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