Development of the microfinance sector


The project helped to consolidate the microfinance sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina through a fiduciary holding in a bank. The project objective at outcome levelwas to contribute to improving access for micro and small enterprises to loans, with a stronger focus on private micro and small businesses in all sectors, including agriculture. The FC project included strengthening the bank’s equity and supporting the expansion of its financing business. In this way, the FC project was intended to contribute to strengthening the target group’s economic development.

Overall rating: 2

Is based on:

Relevance: 2
Effectiveness: 2
Efficiency: 3
Impact: 3
Sustainability: 2

Evaluation criteria & rating scale


Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sector:Financial sector
Budget funds

Federal budget funds that are passed on to partners by KfW Entwicklungsbank in the form of grants and interest rate reductions for loans. These do not have to be repaid.

2.000.000 €
Total funds

Funds that KfW raises on the capital market and then passes on to partners as a loan. The loan must be repaid.

2.000.000 €
Year of sample:

Notes on the methods

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