As part of the FC program "Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Energy Supply", investments in the field of renewable energies and the increase of energy efficiency in the remote region of West Nile (2.3 million inhabitants) in northern Uganda were to be promoted. In particular, projects to transition power generation in the region to renewable energy and the rehabilitation and further development of the island grid in West Nile were to be financed. This were then to increase the number of connected districts from four to seven. In addition, the completion of the Nyagak I small hydropower plant (SHPP) was to decommission the existing heavy fuel oil generator in Arua. Rehabilitation measures were to be continued on the distribution grid, with pre-payment meters installed for all customers. The individual measures required to deliver these outcomes (grid expansion, Nyagak I SHPP and pre-payment meters), which are assessed in this evaluation, were selected via an application process.
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