Programme d'appui à la décentralisation et au développement communal – FADeC I and II


    “FADeC” distributes funds based on a set scheme to 77 municipalities in Benin for the construction of municipal infrastructure and partly for ongoing municipal administrative costs. More than half of the funds are uncommitted and designed for projects in municipal selection procedures. The committed FADeC funds are also prepared and implemented through the municipalities, but are tied to the guidelines of the respective sectoral ministries. Both of the FC programmes (“FADeC I” und “FADeC II“) comprise an investment component (uncommitted) and an investment-supporting component. Overall, the two phases of FADeC I and II, which were largely implemented from 2011 to 2014, received EUR 14.1 million in FC funds. In addition to this, FADeC also received funds from the central government and various donors.

    Overall rating: 3

    Is based on:

    Relevance: 1
    Effectiveness: 2
    Efficiency: 3
    Impact: 3
    Sustainability: 3

    Evaluation criteria & rating scale


    Budget funds: 5.465.376,05 €
    Total funds:5.465.376,05 €
    Year of project completion:

    Notes on the methods

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