
    MAPME - an initiative to promote the use of geodata for planning, monitoring and evaluation

    MAPME (Maps for Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation) is an initiative launched by KfW Development Bank’s Evaluation Unit in conjunction with Agence française de développement and MapTailor. The goal is to promote the wider use of geodata in FC projects: for planning, monitoring and evaluating projects, geodata can generate added value everywhere.

    Open source and open data

    MAPME is based on the consistent use of freely available satellite data and free software (open source). This enables cost-effective measures of various impact indicators and also ensures the wide-scale use of data at an institutional level. To give one example, the approach enables deforestation to be calculated before, during and after the implementation of a forest conservation project. As well as being low in cost, the standardised approach allows impacts to be recorded across a large number of individual projects.

    Why use geo-information?

    In evaluations, geo-information can be an important source for supplementing the impressions and data from a project (triangulation). Its particular strength is the ability to finely break down data over time and space, or to put it more simply: satellites enable us to travel through time and space and observe various places on Earth at different points in time – and measure any changes. For example, in terms of methodology, this enables observation of project areas and comparable control areas before and after implementation and, as such, facilitates tracking of developments and measurement of impacts. This delivers important data for the impact evaluation of FC projects. At the same time, the approach also enables recording of strong baselines for better planning and creation of automatic monitoring systems.

    From a stand-alone solution into a network

    MAPME thrives on exchanges and connections between a variety of stakeholders – both within KfW Development Bank, but also with external institutions. For instance, the evaluation department at the French development bank Agence française de développement is an important partner in the initiative. The private sector is also involved through the start-up MapTailor Geospatial Consultants. Within KfW Development Bank, the Evaluation Unit works closely with the operating departments to tap into synergies and provide others with access to open source solutions. For example, it is collaborating with the Latin America department and the Competence Centre for Natural Resources to create a geo-referenced database containing the 600+ conservation areas promoted by KfW around the world. This is opening up some exciting opportunities for learning more about the effectiveness of projects. In the future, data regarding biodiversity and the threat status of conservation areas may then be used to support planning and monitoring in impact management.

    More information about this initiative can be found on the MAPME website.

    More to the topic

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