Arts and crafts in Morocco


    Democratisation reforms

    Map of Morocco

    According to a Moroccan proverb, the earth is a peacock, and Morocco is its tail. Moroccans are proud of their home: hospitable people, breathtaking landscapes, impressive loam castles and colourful markets. King Mohammed VI is highly respected by the population and has initiated reforms to democratise and modernise the country. But the economic and social differences between urban and rural regions are still great: Tangier or Casablanca have multi-lane roads and high-rise buildings; in stark juxtaposition, the rural regions of Morocco use donkeys as their main mode of transport and are far removed from schools or hospitals. German Development Cooperation is focusing on the areas of energy, water and sustainable economic development.

    Local office

    KfW Office Rabat

    Director KfW Office: Janne Rajpar
    9, rue Khénifra
    10020 Rabat

    Phone: +212 537 70 98 93
    Fax: +212 537 70 93 15

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