Inequality between men and women is still deeply embedded in societies. While progress has been made, disasters and crises such as climate change, pandemics or armed conflicts and increasing right-wing populism in many countries continue to set back the goals that have been achieved and pose new challenges to gender equality commitments. The targets for very few of the 18 SDG 5 indicators have been achieved or nearly achieved to date, with only around 20% of them "on track". Whether it is a question of access to decent work, gender-specific differences in employment and pay, access to digital and other future technologies, basic economic protections or access to political and economic decision-making structures – women are generally worse off. According to the latest “Global Gender Gap” report, it will take another 134 years to close the gender gap at the current rate.
Amplified by the after-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic or patriarchal regimes with traditional role models, many women and girls experience limited access to healthcare services and education. The same applies to financial services. As a result, women often lack opportunities to earn a living independently and they remain dependent on their family or are exploited. If young women marry early – most recently 640 million girls under the age of 18 worldwide – and fall pregnant early, they lack the time for education and employment. Violence against women also rises – and not only in armed conflicts. Women's knowledge and experience, e. g. with regard to the impacts of climate change or biodiversity, are often ignored. In addition, discriminatory laws exclude women from societal decisions, political participation and from land and inheritance rights. On average, women worldwide spend 2.5 times three times as much time on unpaid work, such as bringing up children or caring for the sick and elderly, i.e. so-called “care work”, as men. This leads to time poverty as well as lower income and, if available, to lower pension payments as a result.
All this, while gender equality between women and men is a human right. It is a prerequisite for sustainable development and contributes to significantly improving quality of life for all people. A fair and inclusive society, a sustainable and successful economy and a forward-looking approach to the environment can only be attained if women and girls are included. The empowerment of women also has a multiplier effect: while women spend about 90% of their income on the health, education and nutrition of their families, men spend only about 30 - 40%.
The advancement of gender equality and strengthening of women’s rights are therefore a priority for international and German development policy and a core aspect of the 2030 Agenda. The BMZ is committed to the realisation of human rights and the equal participation of all people in social, political and economic life – regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, skin colour, disability or other characteristics.
While SDG 5 focuses exclusively on gender equality and empowering women, another 45 sub-goals and 54 indicators include gender equality as a key factor for the overall sustainability agenda.
With its projects, KfW is committed to gender equality and the strengthening of women's rights and marginalised groups worldwide, thereby helping to implement the 2030 Agenda.
In 2024, many projects of KfW Development Bank contributed to achieving SDG 5. With around EUR 392 million, gender equality was strengthened as the main goal. In addition, numerous projects with a total financial volume of over EUR 5.4 billion promoted gender equality as an important secondary goal. By 2025, more than 90% of the BMZ's newly committed project funds are to be allocated to projects that contribute to gender equality.
KfW thus supports its partners in strengthening women's rights and gender equality worldwide.
Whether as an employee in the laboratory of a Georgian sewage treatment plant, a teacher in a newly built school in Maputo, a scholarship holder in a Kenyan secondary school or an entrepreneur who uses a loan to set up a confectionery company and creates jobs - in the picture gallery you will get to know very different women who all benefit from KfW projects.
Project information Food security Zambia
OnePager "For more gender equality – designing gender-sensitive social protection systems"
Materials on Development Finance "Gender equality in FC"
SDG 5 on the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development website (German only)
BMZ Strategy for a feminist development policy
BMZ Brochure Initiative „Selbstbestimmte Familienplanung und Müttergesundheit“ (German only)
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