washing hands in clean water

    SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation

    Protecting water reserves

    Gathering water from wells or contaminated streams a considerable distance away and defecating outdoors are still the norm for many people. About 2.2 billion people worldwide still do not have access to safe drinking water.

    That said, there have already been clear signs of progress towards achieving this UN Sustainable Development Goal: UNICEF and WHO figures indicate that, between 2015 and 2022, the percentage of the world’s population with access to a safe water supply increased from 69% to 73%. Further progress is expected; however, at the current rate of progress, some 1.6 billion people are still expected to be without safe drinking water supplies in 2030. To achieve the 2030 Agenda target for drinking water, the pace of progress would have to increase sixfold.

    In SDG 6, the UN has undertaken to “ensure access to water and sanitation for all”. This is because there is still also a lack of adequate sanitation: access to safe sanitation grew from 49% to 57% in the aforementioned time period (2015 - 2022), and a further 18% of the world’s population has access to basic sanitation. About 3.5 billion people have to make do without safe sanitation, including a good 420 million people who have to defecate outdoors. This not only increases the risk of infectious diseases; it also leads to water resources becoming polluted and means an increased risk of sexual violence, especially for girls and women.

    In addition, increasing water scarcity in large parts of the world is a problem that is exacerbated by climate change and conflicts. About 25 countries, in which around a quarter of the world's population lives, are among the so-called "water-stressed countries" – countries with (in some cases considerable) water shortages. The fight for a fair distribution of water resources can also lead to social unrest and riots in these regions.

    For many years, KfW has been helping to ensure that people in developing countries and emerging economies have a safe supply of drinking water and access to good, safe sanitation. This includes funding potabilization and drinking water distribution, programmes to reduce water loss and improve water use efficiency, measures to ensure safe sanitation and the treatment of sewage, integrated water resource management projects, or funding sector reform programmes.

    The water sector has long been a high priority within KfW Development Bank and represents one of the largest sectors. In 2024, around EUR 957 million were committed to projects that contribute to the achievement of SDG 6. KfW is thus reaffirming its commitment to helping people in developing countries and emerging economies to improve their drinking water and sanitation and to counter the effects of climate change through the management of water resources.

    „We still take water for granted“

    Interview with Henk Ovink about the global water crisis and why we don’t value this basic element of life.

    Running water or an eight-hour walk?

    It takes 13-year-old Aysha from Ethiopia eight hours every day to fetch water for her family from the distant river. Eight hours in which she could be going to school or playing with other children.

    KfW's contribution to SDG 6