The "Development in Brief" publication series gives a one-page summary of information on important development policy issues. These are short descriptions of current trends, debates or concepts that help the reader to get a quick overview of key issues.
The series appears approx. once a month and can be downloaded as a PDF. The publications are available in German and English.
Water – an ominously silent crisis No 2, 17 March 2025 | English(PDF, 162 KB, accessible) |
Results-based financing - a driver for more innovation No 1, 11 February 2025 | English(PDF, 121 KB, accessible) |
Shock resilient loans - an innovative way of bolstering resilience to climate risks No. 8, 05 November 2024 | English(PDF, 190 KB, accessible) |
German Development Cooperation - how does it affect German exports and employment? No. 7, 28 October 2024 | English(PDF, 45 KB, non-accessible) |
Climate risk in developing countries: What is the responsibility of the Global North? No. 6, 16 October 2024 | English(PDF, 99 KB, non-accessible) |
Standing up for democracy and cooperating with autocratic regimes – can it be done? No. 5, 26 June 2024 | English(PDF, 48 KB, accessible) |
Digital technologies for access to sexual and reproductive health: learnings from the Covid-19 pandemic No. 4, 10 April 2024 | English(PDF, 72 KB, accessible) |
Artificial Intelligence Revolution – will developing countries lag behind? No. 3, 13 March 2024 | English(PDF, 44 KB, accessible) |
How are fragility and achievement of the SDGs connected? No. 2, 21 February 2024 | English(PDF, 51 KB, accessible) |
International development cooperation at a turning point No. 1, 25 January 2024 | English(PDF, 50 KB, accessible) |
Water sector and biodiversity – understand and shape the synergy between the two No. 8, 15. December 2023 | English(PDF, 48 KB, accessible) |
The interrelationships between climate change and fragility No. 7, 15. November 2023 | English(PDF, 45 KB, accessible) |
The resource curse – its origin and current evidence No. 6, 16. August 2023 | English(PDF, 119 KB, accessible) |
The gender dimension of hunger No. 5, 12 July 2023 | English(PDF, 71 KB, accessible) |
Urban climate change adaptation – five hypotheses for effective action No. 4, 14 June 2023 | English(PDF, 74 KB, accessible) |
Interest rate explosion – are developing countries and emerging economies the losers? No. 3, 23 May 2023 | English(PDF, 74 KB, accessible) |
The climate crisis is now – Call for protection against climate risks No. 2, 03 May 2023 | English(PDF, 78 KB, accessible) |
Climate change and the increasing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) No. 1, 01 March 2023 | English(PDF, 76 KB, accessible) |
Climate change - Major challenges ahead for healthcare systems No. 6, 30 August 2022 | English(PDF, 69 KB, accessible) |
Harnessing the potential of an integrated approach to employment promotion No. 5, 06 July 2022 | English(PDF, 268 KB, accessible) |
What connects the climate crisis with demographic trends? No. 4, 15 June 2022 | English(PDF, 170 KB, accessible) |
What is the relationship between population growth and fragility? No. 3, 7 April 2022 | English(PDF, 143 KB, accessible) |
The humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) nexus: challenges in implementation No. 2, 24 March 2022 | English(PDF, 97 KB, non-accessible) |
Dealing with growing uncertainty: Strategic foresight – Envisioning alternatives No. 1, 09. March 2022 | English(PDF, 76 KB, non-accessible) |
Horizontal inequality as a driver of conflict – what does science say? No. 11, 11. November 2021 | English(PDF, 44 KB, non-accessible) |
Global financial gap in the healthcare sector: should (soft) loans be part of the solution? No. 10, 24 September 2021 | English(PDF, 125 KB, non-accessible) |
CCUS technologies: an important component in climate action? No. 9, 10 September 2021 | English(PDF, 107 KB, non-accessible) |
Floating PVs – are floating solar installations the future of photovoltaics? No. 8, 30 July 2021 | English(PDF, 48 KB, non-accessible) |
Total market approach – better provision of basic services through intelligent market segmentation between private and public sectors No. 7, 9 July 2021 | English(PDF, 75 KB, non-accessible) |
Crisis prevention: where can international development cooperation achieve an impact? No. 6, 11 June 2021 | English(PDF, 85 KB, non-accessible) |
Viewing biodiversity and climate change as related issues No. 5, 17 May 2021 | English(PDF, 142 KB, non-accessible) |
How can we stop plastic waste from polluting the oceans? No. 4, 16 April 2021 | English(PDF, 205 KB, non-accessible) |
For more gender equality – designing gender-sensitive social protection systems No. 3, 8 March 2021 | English (PDF, 80 KB, non-accessible) |
Retaining the ability to act, achieving results and minimising risks in a context of fragility - including from a distance No 2, 1 March 2021 | English(PDF, 85 KB, non-accessible) |
Pros and cons of Cash-for-Work measures in crises and forced displacement contexts No. 1, 19 February 2021 | English(PDF, 110 KB, non-accessible) |
Negative emissions – a positive for climate change No 15, 14 December 2020 | English(PDF, 66 KB, non-accessible) |
Sustainable construction – Foundation for climate-friendly urbanisation No 14, 30 October 2020 | English(PDF, 88 KB, non-accessible) |
Are the successes in the global effort to alleviate poverty being systematically overestimated? No 13, 16 October 2020 | English(PDF, 124 KB, non-accessible) |
REDD+: rewards for preventing deforestation – how successful is the concept? No 12, 2 October 2020 | English(PDF, 110 KB, non-accessible) |
Green recovery –a historic opportunity and a necessary methodology No 11, 18 September 2020 | English(PDF, 139 KB, non-accessible) |
Promoting peace through infrastructure? No 10, 07 September 2020 | English(PDF, 69 KB, non-accessible) |
Poverty facilitates coronavirus and coronavirus fosters poverty: chains of effects and possible actions No 9, 31 July 2020 | English(PDF, 111 KB, non-accessible) |
Additionality of mobilized private capital: Crowding-in or crowding-out? No 8, 16 July 2020 | English(PDF, 40 KB, non-accessible) |
How can the private sector contribute in fragile contexts? No. 7, 15 June 2020 | English(PDF, 38 KB, non-accessible) |
The rise of artificial intelligence: what does it mean for developing countries and emerging economies? No. 6, 29 May 2020 | English(PDF, 36 KB, non-accessible) |
Has progress towards more gender equality got stuck halfway? No 5, 15 May 2020 | English (PDF, 56 KB, accessible) |
Prevention instead of panic on “Day Zero” – Strengthening resilience against water crises No 4, 20 March 2020 | English(PDF, 55 KB, non-accessible) |
Climate change is not gender neutral No 3, 6 March 2020 | English(PDF, 115 KB, non-accessible) |
Social security – a vital source of stability in unsettled times No 1, 31 January 2020 | English(PDF, 107 KB, non-accessible) |
Where do we stand on the road to eradicating polio once and for all? No 16, 20 December 2019 | English(PDF, 147 KB, accessible) |
How does the development of social protection systems affect birth rates? No 15, 01 November 2019 | English(PDF, 127 KB, accessible) |
E-governance: eliminating barriers between authorities and citizens No 14, 04 September 2019 | English(PDF, 162 KB, accessible) |
Water reuse: suitable to combat water stress? No 13, 07 August 2019 | English(PDF, 162 KB, accessible) |
Electrification: from pure access to productive use No 12, 30 July 2019 | English(PDF, 233 KB, accessible) |
Pandemics: Improving preparedness and response effectiveness No 11, 11 July 2019 | English(PDF, 143 KB, accessible) |
Is extreme poverty still on the decline? No 10, 17 June 2019 | English(PDF, 153 KB, accessible) |
Water, crises and conflicts: how these interrelate and the need for action using the Middle East as an example No 9, 29 May 2019 | English(PDF, 132 KB, accessible) |
Diabetes and heart disease – the next pandemic in developing countries? No 8, 23 May 2019 | English(PDF, 330 KB, accessible) |
Resilience in development cooperation – what exactly does that mean? No 7, 16 May 2019 | English(PDF, 93 KB, accessible) |
Blending 2.0: Could mobilising private capital work in poorer countries, too? No 6, 17 April 2019 | English(PDF, 70 KB, accessible) |
Water for all: no universal supply without sustainable capacities No 5, 21 March 2019 | English(PDF, 133 KB, accessible) |
Promoting gender equality is more expedient and effective than active population policy No 4, 7 March 2019 | English(PDF, 94 KB, accessible) |
Adaptive social protection – getting social protection systems in shape for crisis response No 3, 25 February 2019 | English(PDF, 176 KB, accessible) |
Are developing countries becoming more susceptible to global financial crises? No 2, 18 February 2019 | English(PDF, 160 KB, accessible) |
From budget support to reform financing No 1, 11 February 2019 | English(PDF, 167 KB, accessible) |
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