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    Publications of the FC Evaluation

    Publications sorted by series

    Below you will find publications from our evaluation practice and scientific contributions from the FC Evaluation. The contributions include technical results in a wide range of formats, from studies and policy briefs to cross-sectional analyses and thematic publications in which we were involved as FC evaluators.

    Biennial report (evaluation report)

    We publish the results of our work in summarised evaluation reports. These biennial reports provide an overview of the results of the project-based ex-post evaluations and contain detailed performance statistics for the respective two years. They also offer exciting insights into sectoral and/or regional analyses, findings from accompanying evaluations and relevant news.

    Results of the KfW Development Impact Lab

    The results of the KfW Development Impact Lab are published in this section. The final reports on all impact evaluations are published. In addition, scientific findings from the individual evaluations are published as part of a "KfW Development Impact Lab Working Paper Series".

    Further Publications

    The publications provide summaries, cross-sectional evaluations and analyses on specific topics. Some of them were also published in cooperation with other partners, organisations, universities, newspapers and magazines.

    Information on individual project evaluations

    IDEaL - Interactive Database for Evaluation and Learning

    Digital and interactive access to more than 1,100 evaluation results

    Transparency Portal

    Disclosure of our data regarding Development Financing - sorted by countries, sectors and results.