Promotion of primary schools


Over the past two decades, major progress has been achieved in school enrolment rates for Senegal’s primary education sector. Demand far exceeded the existing supply of classrooms, which meant that the country often had to rely on makeshift structures, which did not offer an environment conducive to learning or teaching. In view of this situation, the FC project invested primarily in transforming makeshift classrooms into permanent structures, including equipment, administration blocks, hygiene blocks and water points, in the project regions of Fatick, Kaolack and Kaffrine in south-west Senegal. The project was designed as parallel financing to the Education for All – Fast Track Initiative (FTI) programme, which was managed by the World Bank on a trust basis. The project broadly took over the implementation structure, content strategy and standard construction plans. The work was implemented by small and medium-sized local construction companies.

Overall rating: 3

Is based on:

Relevance: 2
Effectiveness: 3
Efficiency: 3
Impact: 3
Sustainability: 3

Evaluation criteria & rating scale


Budget funds

Federal budget funds that are passed on to partners by KfW Entwicklungsbank in the form of grants and interest rate reductions for loans. These do not have to be repaid.

5.000.000 €
Total funds

Funds that KfW raises on the capital market and then passes on to partners as a loan. The loan must be repaid.

5.000.000 €
Year of project completion:

Notes on the methods

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Primary education programme

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